Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Fresh Start

I started this blog as a first step in my plan to open up my own Men's Wear shop, as well as to develop my own brand in the retail and fashion world.  It's a big world after all, and with the Internet populated with thousands of others trying to do what I want to do, it is hard to stand out.

The start of 2014 brought with it some significant change in my life professionally.  I moved on from my former Retail Management job and into a new career in the Tennis industry.  While still performing retail duties, I moved into the technical side of the industry, working directly with players to help find the right equipment for them, and to maintain that equipment.  It is a rewarding job, and has given me a new perspective on customer service, high end retail, and working as part of a team in a sport based environment.

One drawback has been that my dream I set out towards had been put on the back burner for quite some time.  Those who have looked at my blog in the past would know that I would post frequently, but come March my focus had trailed off.  It was not intentional.  Having so much on my plate that I had to learn on the fly began to take precedence, and my thoughts moved away from my future plans to my current career.

I have made a conscious decision to go for my dream once again.  I feel like there is no better time than now to make a move back into blogging, and to truly start my business plan in order to see my dream move towards reality.  I hope you will come along for this journey, or at least stop by from time to time.  I don't pretend to know everything about the industry, or to be as hip as some of the other blogger's out there, but I will shine a light on the people, places, stores, brands, and icons I respect and love.  I hope you will walk in style with me.


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